
Man vs. Technology

Catching up with technology



Wrap JSON in JSON with Jackson

Normally, I always wrap my JSON objects within a simple parent JSON, which contains only one element which is the JSON being wrapped. Refer this link for more information. Jackson API for Java provides an easy way to do this without creating unnecessary wrapper classes.

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Using multiple versions of a program in Ubuntu

I always like to try new things out, sometimes even before they are actually available. For example, I have two different versions of Java installed, namely, 1.8 and 1.9. So how do I switch between your installed Java options? The tool called update-alternatives solves this issue like a pro.

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Iteration using lambda in Java 1.8

Every Java programmer has had this frustration of every time having to insert a snippet of code to iterate over a collection. Even though modern IDEs help you out with this, it nevertheless increases your code by a few lines, only to have you scrolling more.

Continue reading “Iteration using lambda in Java 1.8”

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